“Filming together to see ourselves in a new present”– an event for presenting the shortfilms made by the students from the "Dimitrie Cantemir" High School (Iasi, Romania) in the frame of the European project LIGHTS, CAMERA AND ACTIONS AGAINST DATING VIOLENCE
Excellent team work, impressive results and a great project!
On the occasion of the last International Women’s Day (March 8), the IES Las Lomas highschool organized the exhibition of the short film that students recorded at the final of the project intervention. All of participants and teachers could watch the results and they were funny and interesting at the same time!
At the end of the exhibition, the students received their certificates and a special gift from UA team: the L4V notebook! This notebook contained some pictures of the students working at the intervention. It was a special day!
Two weeks ago, the team of Alicante finished the second wave of questionnaires with students belonging to the intervention group (post-test). Now it's time to analyze the results in order to understand whether and how the intervention had an effect...
Lights4Violence team celebrated their third meeting in Cardiff Metropolitan University. Many reflections and suggestions have been sketched out in order to assess how the activities were carried out until now and how to move forward in the next months.
One of our collegues of the Polish team (Iwona Chmura-Rutkowska) joined the Equality and Diversity Policy Team in Poznan, a strategical unit which implements local
Also in Poland students are filming their videocapsules!
Many questions and great interest have been recorded among them during the introducing workshop, where some students have even revealed a previous experience in producing audiovisual content.
A lot of fun while filming L4V videocapsules for Romanian students at at Cantemir High School! Students have chosen the themes and are now working on the scenarios. Short films will be featured on April 8!