Exhibition of the short film in Italy

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Today Italian students participating in the intervention group saw their own films and fulfilled the re-test survey. 
They also collectively discussed about the effectiveness of the training and filming activities as well as the adherence of the plots to the teens' daily reality. According to the students, #sexism and #genderroles are the topics that are better represented by the videocapsules. Conversely, #jelousy is the most frequent problem for youths' love relationships, but often the assets and skills which do intervene in the shortfilms are not enough for avoiding and solving conflicts in their real life. Indeed, #anger seems to be a very influent aspect in teens' personal interaction.  
So, it is needed to move steps forward in order to foster #protectivefactors against #teendatingviolence and promote #healthylove. In this sense, #lights4violence is a good beginning for most of the participants.

#europeanproject #intimatepartnerviolence #teendatingviolence #healthylove #protectivefactorsagainstviolence 
